Wifi-Inspired Scultures

The Bleecker Street Documents Visualizes Internet Strength

Wifi signal fluctuations throughout the day may frustrate some, especially those who make a living working off of the Internet, but for Peter Jellitsch, he was inspired to make art: The Bleecker Street Documents. This project revolves around making the unseen seen. It essentially documents these signal changes over a 45 day period by way of a mountainous sculpture.

While living in an apartment in Manhattan, the Vienna, Austria-based artist analyzed and plotted the strength of the Wifi signal every day. This tedious record was then visualized into the abstract Bleecker Street Documents. The high peaks represented strong signals while the low planes symbolized weak ones.

The Bleecker Street Documents also showcases his notes along with a scientific explanation of what Jellitsch was studying.
Trend Themes
1. Internet of Things-inspired Art - The use of IoT technology as inspiration to create unique art in various forms.
2. Data Visualization in Art - Using data visualization techniques to create art pieces that shed light on hidden patterns and trends.
3. Art and Technology Collaboration - Collaboration between artists and technologists to create innovative and thought-provoking pieces that bring new perspectives on modern technology.
Industry Implications
1. Artificial Intelligence - Incorporating AI into art creation to make unique pieces of art and open new possibilities.
2. Design - Designing modern sculptures and installations that use technology to connect with viewers and communicate ideas.
3. Internet Service Providers - Working with artists to turn technology data into art pieces that can be used for marketing and brand awareness.

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