Biometric Eye Scans

More Distinctive than a Fingerprint for Identification

One of the most promising forms of biometric identification is the iris scan. As governments, businesses and individuals seek ways to make themselves more secure, biometrics is a technology that gets a lot of attention. Simply put, biometrics is the measuring of biological characteristics as a method of identification.

The iris of the eye is one of the few protected internal organs of the body that is visible from the outside. Its intricate structure displays a complex, unique, stable texture throughout life.

While current technology requires individuals to be close to scanning equipment, technology is being developed that will allow scanning at a distance. This raises privacy concerns with some, but others laud it as a non-invasive form of identification that could aid in security enforcement and reduce identification fraud and mistakes in areas as diverse as maternity ward patient ID and pass-protection of computer programs. 

Some countries have an "iris passport" option that allows travelers to opt for a scan at international border crossings. The largest user of algorithms resulting from the scans is in the United Arab Emirates. About 10 billion iris comparisons are performed each day in real-time database searches.
Trend Themes
1. Distance Iris Scanning - Advancements in technology are being developed that will allow scanning at a distance, providing opportunities for more convenient and non-invasive identification.
2. Biometric Identification for Security - Growing concerns over security and the rise of identification fraud are paving way for the adoption of biometric identification technology.
3. Iris Passport - Some countries now offer an iris passport option, and this is expected to spread worldwide opening new opportunities in areas like border security, transportation, and tourism.
Industry Implications
1. Government and Security - Governments worldwide are finding iris scanning technology ideal for security and identity verification, and the industry creates numerous disruptive opportunities for governments to improve their services.
2. Healthcare - In Healthcare, Iris Scans can be used as a non-contact means of verifying patient identities, helping organizations to reduce fraud and errors and protect patient data.
3. Technology - Scanning the iris is a technology-driven solution with great potential for various sectors, including mobile phones, gaming, and robotics.

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