Posterized To Do Lists

'Big Ass To Do List' Prints Lists on Poster-Sized Sheets

It can be tough to hold oneself accountable for all the goals that they have, no matter how many apps and mindfulness exercises one carries out, so 'Big Ass To Do List' offers a more direct and dramatic option. The site sends users professionally printed posters that list all their goals, keeping all the items on one's to do list highly visible and encouraging them to act sooner rather than later.

Apps that promote productivity certainly have their place, but something about digital platforms lends them a feeling of impermanence. With Big Ass To Do Lists, users have no choice but to stare at their goals point blank, and every day they remain unchecked serves as a reminder of just that fact.
Trend Themes
1. Physical Accountability Tools - There are opportunities to innovate by creating more physical tools to hold individuals accountable for their goals and tasks.
2. Visual Productivity Aids - There is room for improvement in the realm of visual tools that aid in productivity and goal-setting.
3. Personalized Printed Products - Creating personalized printed products for productivity could be an innovative business opportunity.
Industry Implications
1. Office Supplies - The office supplies industry could explore creating more personalized and visually striking productivity tools.
2. Printing and Publishing - The printing and publishing industry could offer more services for personalized and customized products like Big Ass To Do List posters.
3. Productivity Apps - Productivity app developers could incorporate more visual elements to their platforms to aid in personal accountability.

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