Good Cause Tweeting

beremedy Members Support Causes Via Tweets and Facebook Posts

This week we've seen the incredible power of the web to spread a story as the Kony 2012 video went viral, generating over 50 million views in less than a week.

Social media holds tremendous power to ignite social change movements through instantaneous sharing, and today we're profiling a social business doing just that.

beremedy connects social media users with causes that can benefit from awareness, a critical component of positive change. They ask Facebook and Twitter users to use their networks to help spread the word.

"beremedy alerts people when someone in their community needs help. Members then respond to the message or pass on the message to those they feel can."

Thus far their efforts have been focused on Atlanta, where they are based; however, shortly after a recent CNN story created buzz around the startup, beremedy announced on their website that they have plans to expand nationwide.

Contact Information
beremedy website
beremedy on Twitter
beremedy on Facebook
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Activism - Opportunity to leverage the power of social media platforms to amplify and promote social causes and movements through widespread sharing and engagement.
2. Community-based Assistance - Potential for using social media as a tool to connect individuals within communities, allowing them to provide help and support to those in need.
3. Expansion of Local Initiatives - Opportunity to scale up local initiatives and expand their impact by leveraging social media networks for widespread awareness and participation.
Industry Implications
1. Social Impact Organizations - Opportunity for social impact organizations to harness the potential of social media platforms to mobilize support and generate awareness for their causes.
2. Technology Startups - Opportunity for startups focused on community-based assistance to leverage the power of social media to connect individuals and facilitate assistance movements.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity for marketing and advertising professionals to explore innovative strategies for leveraging social media activism to promote brands and causes.

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