Internet Safety Metaverses

Google & Roblox's Be Internet Awesome World Teaches Online Safety

Google and Roblox banded together to launch a new game called Be Internet Awesome World, which teaches young users how to safely navigate the online world without putting themselves at risk.

The Be Internet Awesome program, launched in 2017, has reached over 100 million kids and this new experience on Roblox is poised to reach millions more who spend their time playing in the metaverse. In this game devoted to making kids aware of digital dangers, players encounter a villain named The Glitch, spread positivity in Kind Kingdom, learn about information sharing on Mindful Mountain and test their cybersecurity skills at the Tower of Defense.

Through a series of mini-games that provide immediate feedback, Be Internet Awesome World players learn about everything from creating strong passwords to identifying phishing attempts.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Safety Education - The creation of gamified platforms like Be Internet Awesome World highlights an innovative approach to making online safety education both engaging and effective for younger demographics.
2. Edutainment in the Metaverse - Integrating educational content into popular gaming environments such as Roblox signifies a growing trend of leveraging entertainment mediums to promote learning and awareness.
3. Real-time Learning Feedback - The use of mini-games offering instant feedback in Be Internet Awesome World points to an increasing emphasis on real-time, interactive learning experiences in digital education.
Industry Implications
1. Edtech - The collaboration between Google and Roblox demonstrates how educational technology firms are merging with entertainment platforms to deliver educational content in novel and engaging ways.
2. Cybersecurity - Products like Be Internet Awesome World reveal how cybersecurity education can be seamlessly integrated into popular gaming platforms to raise awareness and build skills among younger users.
3. Gaming - The intersection of educational objectives with immersive gaming experiences in the metaverse opens up new opportunities for the gaming industry to offer more than just entertainment.

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