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Clothes Peeling Covers

Baptiste Giabiconi Makes for Fun Wallpaper Cover

A nude Baptiste Giabiconi seems to be a Karl Lagerfeld favorite. The designer shot Giabiconi for the cover of Wallpaper’s October issue where you get to see both a nude Baptiste Giabiconi and a clothed version.

A special cover it is, because not only does it offer the fun of an animated flip book, but you get to compare how different Giabiconi looks when he has clothes on. The cover shows him in a sophisticated Dior Homme suit, but then you peel back the cover and it’s garmentless, nude Baptiste Giabiconi staring back at you.

Now he’s clothed, now he’s not; now he’s clothed, now he’s not. Now he’s clothed… you could do this forever!

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