Street Artist Satire Signs

Trustocorp's Banksy Parody Signs Poke Fun at the Artist's Success

These Banksy parody signs poke fun at the UK street artist. Trustocorp, who are known for their satirical street signs, put up two signs in the Williamsburg and East Village neighborhoods in New York. This is particularly timely as Banksy has a month long exhibit happening in New York where he unveils new pieces on a daily basis.

The signs celebrate Banksy's financial success without putting down his talent. The first sign reads 'Laugh now but one day I'll be so rich that I can do graffiti wherever I want,' while the other says 'Bad artists imitate, great artists get really really rich.' The bottom of both Banksy parody signs bear a mock up of the Citibank logo, which was changed to Citibanksy.
Trend Themes
1. Satirical Street Art - Creating street art that pokes fun at popular trends or individuals can become a disruptive form of self-expression that attracts a lot of attention through social media sharing.
2. Parody Marketing - Marketing campaigns that utilize parody can help businesses earn buzz and create conversation among audiences.
3. Celebrity Satire - As consumer skepticism continues to grow, using satire to call out and draw attention to celebrity culture can be a way to disrupt industry norms and culture.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Ad agencies can capitalize on the growing trend of using humor and parody in advertising to create buzz around a product or service.
2. Street Art - For street artists, creating parody street art can be a way to disrupt traditional street art and gain attention in the art world.
3. Fashion - Using satire and parody in fashion designs can challenge traditional trends and practices, creating a disruptive force in the industry.

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