Apocalyptic Bacon Products

CMMG's Tactical Bacon Has a Ten-Year Shelf Life, So Stock Up

If an apocalypse ever does happen, one thing that will be at the forefront of everyone's mind is the absence of bacon products, until now. Tactical Bacon has a ten-year shelf life so at least you can eat the savory pork product for a decade after society collapses.

Tactical Bacon is fully cooked and packaged in a 9-ounce can. Each can contains 54 slices of smoke flavored perfection. Just heat it up and serve it. The can has easy to follow instructions; "Open Can" and "Receive Bacon."

Stocking up on this stuff is a good idea even if there's never an apocalypse. You never know when you're going to need 9-ounces of bacon and with the impressive shelf life, you can keep this stuff in your closet until duty calls.
Trend Themes
1. Long Shelf Life Food - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new food products with extended shelf life to cater to emergency preparedness and long-term storage needs.
2. Convenience Packaging - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create packaging solutions that offer easy-to-follow instructions and convenient servings for ready-to-eat products.
3. Alternative Meat Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the development of bacon-like products using alternative sources that can offer long shelf life and meet consumer demand for meat alternatives.
Industry Implications
1. Emergency Preparedness - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a range of long shelf life products specifically tailored for emergency preparedness, targeting survivalist communities and disaster response organizations.
2. Food Packaging - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design innovative packaging solutions that enhance convenience and provide clear instructions for ready-to-eat products in various industries like camping, outdoor activities, and emergency situations.
3. Alternative Protein - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Invest in research and development of alternative meat products that offer long shelf life and can cater to the growing market of flexitarians and individuals seeking meat alternatives.

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