Digital Bus Shelter Advertisements

This Augmented Reality Ad Immerses Commuters in a Video Game

This augmented reality ad promotes a new video game franchise using bus shelters. Moving beyond the standard transit maps and posters seen at most bus stops, Microsoft is using augmented reality technology to advertise their new video game Sunset Overdrive.

Located in London, Melbourne and San Francisco, the augmented reality ad campaign looks like a regular bus shelter poster campaign from afar, but up close the digital display shows figures moving around and about to jump off the screen. This is done to make those waiting for buses and protecting themselves from inclement weather are immersed in the game's environment.

The ads are possible thanks to Clear Channel Outdoor, media agency Empowering Media and producer Grand Visual. Sunset Overdrive was developed for Xbox One by Insomniac games.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Advertising - The use of augmented reality technology in advertising campaigns to create immersive experiences for consumers.
2. Digital Out-of-home (DOOH) Advertising - Moving beyond standard static advertising methods and utilizing digital displays to engage with consumers.
3. Location-based Advertisement - Targeting consumers in specific geographic locations with relevant advertisements utilizing digital displays and augmented reality features.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Industry - Incorporating augmented reality features into new video game releases increases product visibility and creates immersive experiences for gamers.
2. Media and Advertising Industry - Developing and implementing digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertisements with augmented reality features allows for more engaging advertising methods and potentially higher ROI.
3. Technology Industry - Continued development of augmented reality technology opens up new avenues for digital advertising campaigns and product promotion.

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