Retrofied Phone Docks

Areaware Alarm Dock Brings 70s-Chic Clock Designs Back

If you're trying to humble yourself from all the amazing apps found on your iPhone, why not turn your handy do-it-all into a retro looking clock with this Areaware Alarm Dock?

The all-wooden design of the dock recalls the classic design commonly seen in movies from the 70s. Those looking for a piece of nostalgia in the modern age should definitely pick up one of these chic clock docks. Simply attach your iPhone horizontally to the dock and let the iPhone clock app by Areaware take over. The dock also allows users to plug in a charger cable into their iPhone, so you won't have to worry about drying up your battery while tracking time.

You can purchase your own Areaware Alarm Dock over at the Areaware website for $39.50.
Trend Themes
1. Retrofied Phone Docks - The trend of turning smart devices into vintage-looking clocks opens opportunities for product design companies to create unique charging docks with classic and nostalgic designs.
2. Nostalgic Phone Accessories - The trend of incorporating classic designs into modern accessories presents an opportunity for phone accessory manufacturers and retailers to create a niche market with products that evoke a sense of nostalgia.
3. Smartphone Clock Apps - The trend of turning smartphones into clocks with retro-inspired designs opens opportunities for app developers to create unique clock apps that emulate classic clock designs.
Industry Implications
1. Product Design - Designers can take inspiration from the trend of retrofied phone docks to create new charging dock models with authentic 70s designs that can attract a wider range of customers.
2. Phone Accessories Manufacturing and Retail - This trend opens an opportunity for accessory manufacturers to create products that leverage classic designs, attracting consumers who wish to purchase items that invoke a sense of nostalgia.
3. App Development - The trend of retro-inspired clock designs opens up new opportunities for app developers to create unique smartphone clock apps that can cater to consumers who appreciate vintage aesthetics.

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