Hard-to-Reach Sunscreen Assisters

Appligator Increases Reach of Spray Bottles by 10 Inches

Solyman Najimi created Appligator to help people safely protect their skin while enjoying the outdoors. The product applies sunscreen to hard-to-reach areas. Appligator is an add-on that adds 10 inches of reach to any sunscreen or suntan spray. It works with most spray bottles and helps individuals target areas they've never been able to reach.

The backside of the Appligator acts as a removable silicone roller to assist in rubbing in sprayed areas. It is straightforward to use and child-friendly. The product comes in 'Brilliant Blue,' 'Gator Green,' and "Precious Purple.'

Najimi hopes he can help prevent skin cancer risks when in the sun with this device that leaves no spot uncovered. Shipping begins in October of 2022 throughout North America. Those needing protection from this summers scorching heat can find more about the Appligator on Kickstarter.
Trend Themes
1. Sunscreen Reach Enhancement - Opportunities exist to develop other devices adding reach to spray bottles for sunscreen, insect repellent and other sprays.
2. Child-friendly Sunscreen Application - Innovators could develop child-friendly devices to assist with applying sunscreen to hard-to-reach areas or to aid individuals with disabilities in the application process.
3. Multi-functional Sunscreen Tools - There are opportunities to develop sunscreen application products with multiple functions, such as including insect-repellent, or sunburn relief products.
Industry Implications
1. Sun Care - Sunscreen product manufacturers could explore partnerships with Appligator to add-on their enhancement tool to their existing sunscreen and suntan spray products.
2. Disability Aids - Appligator could be expanded and marketed as a device to assist individuals with disabilities or mobility issues in applying various sprays, such as insect repellent and other types of sprays where it is hard for them to reach.
3. Outdoor Recreation - Retailers of outdoor gear and services could introduce the Appligator as a product complement for people going out and enjoying outdoor activities.

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