Instant Apple Displays

The 'Ship ‘n’ Shop' Display Comes with Produce and Sets Up in Minutes

To support sales of the Kanzi apple, CMI Orchards created a set of in-store merchandising tools, including the 'Ship 'n' Shop' apple display.

The Ship ‘n’ Shop Kanzi retail display bin takes the form of a standalone unit that ships with 16 cases of Kanzi apples and can be set up in as little as 10 minutes. As George Harter, Vice President of Marketing for CMI Orchards, describes, this display solution "eliminates a common problem for supermarket merchandisers by ensuring the fruit and the display materials arrive in the store at the same time."

'Kanzi' is the name of a domesticated apple that has been developed from crossing a Gala apple with a Braeburn apple; CMI Orchards is one of two growers in the United States that has been licensed to grow the Kanzi apple.
Trend Themes
1. Efficient In-store Merchandising - Creating innovative display solutions that save time and effort for supermarket merchandisers.
2. Convenience in Product Packaging - Developing packaging solutions that ensure the product and display materials arrive in stores simultaneously.
3. Streamlined Retail Operations - Implementing systems that optimize setup and logistics for in-store displays.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Exploring new ways to enhance product displays and improve the customer experience.
2. Packaging - Innovating packaging solutions to improve efficiency and convenience for retailers.
3. Horticulture - Leveraging technology and crossbreeding techniques to create new fruit varieties for the market.

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