OK... let's think about this one out loud. A giant yellow box with a bright red button. Don't panic? For the right guy, this might work as some sort of ice breaker.
For the other 99% of the male population, expect something like this, "What's that by your bed? Oh. A condom dispenser... Not just a condom or even two but, a whole dispenser... You know, I totally forgot about meeting my girlfriend tonight..."
Girl exits.
Stick to the discreet, store-it-in-the-drawer approach.
Condom Dispensers
The "Don't Panic" is Anything but Discreet
Trend Themes
1. Discreet Condom Dispensers - Create compact, hidden condom dispensers that blend in with their surroundings for more discreet use.
2. Digital Condom Dispensers - Develop a digital condom dispenser that can be controlled via smartphone, allowing for discreet and easy access to condoms.
3. Eco-friendly Condom Packaging - Explore packaging options for condoms that are eco-friendly and reduce plastic waste, such as biodegradable or compostable materials.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants could offer discreet, convenient condom dispensers in guest rooms and restrooms, potentially boosting customer satisfaction.
2. Healthcare - Health clinics and pharmacies could offer digital condom dispensers or eco-friendly packaging options as a way to promote safe sex and reduce plastic waste.
3. Marketing & Advertising - Marketers and advertisers could capitalize on the trend of eco-friendly condom packaging, using it as a selling point for socially conscious consumers.