The design of this sleek looking plant-inspired sex toy by Spanish designers Discoh was influenced by the aloe vera plant.
In keeping with the plant theme, the aptly-named product, Aloe, comes uniquely packaged in a "pot."
In addition to its aesthetically appealing natural look, the most impressive thing about this adult toy is that its function only becomes apparent once it is removed from its casing.
Therefore, you could leave your treasured tool of pleasure on your nightstand, or even on your coffee table; visitors to your home would be none the wiser.
It seems so naughty in a conservative kind of way.
Plant-Inspired Naughty Toys
The 'Aloe'
Trend Themes
1. Plant-inspired Sex Toys - Opportunity for designers to create innovative adult products inspired by nature.
2. Discreet Packaging - Potential for packaging solutions that hide the true nature of products.
3. Functional Surprise - Possibility for adult toys that only reveal their true purpose when in use.
Industry Implications
1. Adult Toy Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunities in creating plant-inspired sex toys.
2. Packaging Industry - Opportunity to develop discreet packaging solutions.
3. Design Industry - Potential for designers to create innovative adult products with functional surprises.