Run-Down Apartment Editorials

Alexandra Superfunky Snaps a Sketchy Neighborhood Setting

In the editorial ‘Da Hood,’ Alexandra Superfunky captures fashion shots in an unpolished neighborhood setting. Pastel blue paint and blue hair make an appearance in the shoot that add to the visual appeal of the photographs.

A model stands in front of a distressed apartment building on which the paint is slowly chipping and peeling off of the wall. In one photo, the woman holds a child in front of the apartments with a diamond on her forehead and her wild hair pulled back into pigtails. With a graphic dress that blends into her surroundings, the photo looks realistic and is visually intriguing.

Alexandra Superfunky captures a rough neighborhood but allows the fashion and the hair and makeup to shine through, despite the location. The model works it despite people starring from the backdrop creating naturally fabulous shots.
Trend Themes
1. Fashion-neighborhood Fusion - Fashion brands can consider incorporating urban, gritty settings in their photo shoots to create unique imagery that enhances their clothing lines.
2. Layered Street Art - Brands can collaborate with local artists to feature layered street art in their photo shoots, embracing the beauty of urban environments.
3. Lived-in Aesthetics - Fashion brands can incorporate a lived-in, distressed aesthetic into their clothing lines to appeal to consumers who desire a rugged, urban look.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can utilize urban settings and street art in order to create edgy, contemporary campaigns that are more likely to be shared on social media.
2. Street Art - Brands and artists can collaborate on street art designs that enhance urban environments and make for an attractive backdrop in photo shoots.
3. Real Estate - Incorporating lived-in aesthetics in real estate can help sell urban properties appealing to consumers looking for an edgy, urban lifestyle.

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