Nose-Ingested Alcohol Clouds

This Bar Combines Meteorology and Mixology for a Boozy Adventure

Bompas & Parr is an alcoholic architectural display that lets guests walk through alcohol clouds that can be inhaled. This unique weather bar encloses alcoholic vapor into glass boxes so that guests can enter to ingest boozy air.

Each vapor cloud is composed of one part spirit and three parts mixer. To create the clouds, a humidifier is used to super-saturate the air. The way the alcohol is ingested allows it to bypass the liver, which means that guests can consume 40 percent less booze for the same levels of intoxication.

This London England-based adventure is set to open its doors to guests at the end of this month. Although the alcohol clouds are consumed mostly through the nose and mouth it also enters the bloodstream through the eyes. Respiratory scientists and chemists were consulted to ensure safety precautions were taken.
Trend Themes
1. Nose-ingested Alcohol - Innovative ways of consuming alcohol are emerging, providing opportunities for the creation of niche markets and new product offerings.
2. Humidifier Technology - The use of humidifier technology is being explored for niche applications in fields like healthcare, aromatherapy, and hospitality.
3. Inhaleable Treats - Inhaleable treats made from edible vapor offer unique experiences, creating opportunities for new product development in the food and hospitality industries.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore new forms of alcohol consumption like nose-ingested alcohol and inhaleable treats to offer more unique experiences.
2. Hospitality - Humidifier technology can be used to create unique experiences in the hospitality industry like indoor rain forests, sensory journeys, and experiential rooms.
3. Healthcare - Humidifier technology can be applied in healthcare settings for respiratory treatments, aromatherapy, and air disinfection.

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