Cash-Destroying Alarm Clocks

Rich Olson's Alarm Clock Designs Will Get Anyone to Wake Up Early

Most alarm clock designs will get people out of bed without a hitch, but for those individuals who need that extra push, the 'Money Shredding Alarm Clock' is what they should get.

Created by Rich Olson, the Money Shredding Alarm Clock is the alarm clock that'll make sure you get out of bed on time. For the alarm to be effective, bed heads will have to place a paper bill on top of the automated-timed shredder -- the larger the bill, the more likely you'll wake up. The shredder activates when the allotted time for waking has been reached. Then, users will only have a few seconds to take their paper bill out of the Money Shredding Alarm Clock.

The alarm clock was built with a Sparkfun's Clockit, a USB-powered paper shredder, TIP120 Darlington transistor, a Atmel AVR programmer and some computer codes.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Alarm Clocks - The trend of smart alarm clocks integrating unique features like money shredding can disrupt the traditional alarm clock industry.
2. Motivational Alarm Clocks - The trend of motivational alarm clocks using creative methods to encourage waking up early presents opportunities for innovation in the alarm clock market.
3. Technology-driven Wake-up Devices - The trend of technology-driven wake-up devices, such as automated shredders and programmable features, unveils potential for disruption in the wake-up industry.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The consumer electronics industry can benefit from the development of smart alarm clocks with innovative features like money shredding.
2. Home Furnishings - The home furnishings industry can tap into the market for motivational alarm clocks that offer unique designs and functionalities to inspire early rising.
3. Office Supplies - The office supplies industry can explore opportunities to create technology-driven wake-up devices that combine utility and aesthetics to enhance productivity in the workplace.

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