Old World Parisian Editorials

The A Winter Night's Dream Editorial is Glamorous

Harper's Bazaar Turkey's 'A Winter Night's Dream' editorial displays model Samantha Grandoville as she took on an old school brand of Parisian flair. Grandoville assumed the persona of an upper class citizen and she stood before hanging sheets of glitter and valuable art pieces.

The legendary and markedly young photographer Koray Birand took Grandoville's picture for A Winter Night's Dream. His hazy red-hued finish is largely reminiscent of Instagram settings, at once apparent to users of the smartphone tool.

Stylist Mahizer Aytas applied ritzy pieces only to A Winter Night's Dream. Glistening gowns with thigh-high slits were matched with strappy gladiator-style stilettos and white on black suit pieces. Deep red lips and nail lacquer offered the ultimate French touches.
Trend Themes
1. Old World Parisian Style - A resurgence in popularity of classic Parisian fashion styles and aesthetics among fashion publications and consumers.
2. Hazy Instagram-like Photography - The use of photography techniques in editorials that mimic the popular look of Instagram filters.
3. Statement Accessories - The use of bold and trendy accessories to elevate fashion editorials and provide inspiration for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Opportunities for fashion brands and designers to incorporate classic Parisian styles and bold accessories into their designs and marketing.
2. Photography - Innovative photography techniques and editing software that can create popular Instagram-like looks in high-end editorials.
3. Beauty - Opportunities for beauty brands to create French-inspired makeup looks and provide inspiration for consumers seeking bold, statement-making styles.

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