Profile Picture Manuals

This Graphic Shows Social Media Users How to Post Professional Images

A team from 'PhotoFeeler' created this educational infographic that teaches social media users which professional images they should be displaying on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. The charts allows users to understand what images are professionally appropriate, and which ones are better kept offline.

The team collected 800 profile pictures and conducted a survey where social media users ranked each image based on competence, likability and influence. The chart depicts the best way to look at the camera, which facial expressions to use and how editing your own images can all be used as an advantage or disadvantage when landing a job.

This infographic is a great way to easily educate young professionals about the kind of online personality they should be projecting. It also aids those who are less tech-savvy to get a better idea of how professional images and profile pictures affect the way brands and potential employers see them.
Trend Themes
1. Professional Profile Pictures - The trend towards having a professional profile picture is growing, with education on how to best present oneself being seen as valuable.
2. Visual Personal Branding - The use of instructional graphics to guide personal branding is a trend which could continue to grow.
3. Social Media Impact on Job Applications - Understanding how your profile picture can impact your job application is a trend that may encourage more professional behavior online.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - As the importance of profile pictures to professional personas grows, professional photography services may see an increase in demand.
2. Social Media Platforms - Social media platforms that provide users with tips and tricks on profile image optimization may be able to attract users wanting to make the best first impression online.
3. HR and Recruitment - HR and recruitment agencies and companies who educate their candidates on best practices in the online application process may see higher success rates.

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