The steps of the Stock Exchange in Madrid were the setting of an evocative light installation by Luzinterruptus at the end of April 2009. The display was comprised of 80 illuminated pages of the financial section of the newspaper.
The installation was meant to signify the current economic crisis and how not until the stock exchange and the media publicized the stats and figures did the fear spread.
‘The Wind Brought Us The Crisis’ took just one hour to erect and photos were taken by Gustavo Sanabria.
Evocative Trash Art
Illuminated Newspaper on Steps of Madrid Stock Exchange
Trend Themes
1. Economic Crisis Art - Opportunities for artists to create thought-provoking installations that allow people to engage with economic issues in new ways.
2. Upcycled Art Installations - Growing demand for art made from recycled materials, creating opportunities for artists working in this genre.
3. Interactive Public Art - Public art installations that allow for audience participation and interaction are becoming more popular.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - New job opportunities for artists and designers to create thought-provoking installations using unconventional materials.
2. Environmental Sustainability - Growing demand for upcycling and repurposing materials in art and design aligns with the demand for environmentally sustainable practices across industries.
3. Urban Planning and Development - Opportunities for urban planners and architects to incorporate public art installations into the design of public spaces.