£95 Fast Food Burgers (Part 2)

Burger King Reveals Kobe Beef Burger

Finally, Burger King has launched the world's most expensive fast food burger, truly fit for a king: 'The Burger', as it is affectionately known, features Kobe Beef and a very fresh bun. ;)

Trend Hunter previewed the burger a month ago, but the wastefully delicious meal was finally launched today.

Burger King's VP of Marketing, David Kisilevsky, had this to say, “It reflects our ongoing commitment to producing the best quality burgers for a range of different pockets and reinforces our quality credentials.”

The pictures will no doubt make you hungry: But Burger King hopes the pictures will make you £95 hungry.  That's a lot for fast foot, but until you've tried it how can you knock it?

After all, it's not THAT expensive.  In Las Vegas you can pick up a $5,000 burger at the Mandaley Bay. 

Here is our original preview of Burger King's pricey meal and some more over-priced burgers:
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Fast Food - Companies can capitalize on consumer willingness to pay for unique and upscale fast food offerings with high-end ingredients.
2. Marketing Stunts - Using high-priced food items as a marketing tool to generate interest and buzz can be a successful strategy for companies.
3. Premiumization - Businesses can focus on creating premium or high-end versions of everyday items to appeal to consumers with more disposable income.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Fast food chains can capitalize on the trend of luxury fast food by introducing premium ingredients and offerings to differentiate themselves.
2. Hospitality - Hotels and resorts can use high-end food and beverage offerings as a way to attract high-end clientele and drive revenue.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing agencies can work with brands to create unique and buzzworthy stunts, such as high-priced food items, to generate media attention and increase brand awareness.

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