Convenience Store Accommodations

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7-Eleven and Airbnb are Opening a New Luxury Store to the Public

7-Eleven and Airbnb are giving gamers the chance to book a private stay at the all-new luxury 7-Eleven convenience store before it officially opens its doors to the public. The brand-new store in Texas has been set up as a "gaming paradise" and it promises to treat guests to the "ultimate one-night game-cation" with all-night access to a Playstation 5 console, Slurpee drinks, a big-screen TV, luxury loungers and much more.

The gaming experience also gives guests the chance to tune in for an exclusive one-hour Twitch streaming session with the gamer and founder of FaZe Clan, FaZe Temperrr. This new store is one of six across the country that serves as a testing ground for new innovations.'

As the experience is being offerd mid-pandemic, 7-Eleven and Airbnb have health and safety protocols in place to protect pairs that book their stay at the store.
Trend Themes
1. Convenience Store Accommodations - The trend of convenience store chains offering unique accommodations can disrupt traditional hotel stays and expand their customer base.
2. Gaming-themed Hospitality - The trend of creating gaming-inspired hotel rooms can lead to disruptive innovation in the hospitality industry and attract younger demographics.
3. Collaborative Experiential Marketing - The trend of collaborations between companies like 7-Eleven and Airbnb can create disruptive innovation opportunities through unique and memorable experiences for customers.
Industry Implications
1. Hotel and Accommodations - Hotels could face increased competition from unconventional accommodations offered by companies such as convenience stores and vacation rental platforms.
2. Gaming and Entertainment - Gaming and entertainment industries could leverage the trend of gaming-inspired accommodations and collaborate with hospitality brands to offer unique experiences for gamers and enthusiasts.
3. Experiential Marketing - Experiential marketing agencies could work with brands to create memorable and shareable experiences like the gaming paradise offered by 7-Eleven and Airbnb's store for disruptive advertising.

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