Feet-Focused Game Controllers

3DRudder Brings Gaming Down to Earth at CES 2015

Traditionally, gamers have been restricted to the use of their hands when it comes to controlling their video game of choice; that may no longer by the case thanks to the 3DRudder, which debuted at CES 2015. It is a motion board that brings the pastime down to earth by allowing players the use of their feet. Shaped like a bosu ball, which is used for workouts, the 3DRudder requires balance to use.

The Verge writes that the 3DRudder translates "their motion into gaming controls by mapping four different methods of control onto button presses or joystick swivels." Responsive, precise and intuitive, the 3DRudder could change the way people interact with their video games. Especially if its Indiegogo campaign is successful.
Trend Themes
1. Feet-focused Gaming - Gaming hardware/accessories may shift focus to include the use of feet alongside hands for a more engaging and immersive experience.
2. Motion Control - New controllers/hardware may feature more intuitive motion tracking to better reflect real-life actions and movements.
3. Multi-sensory Gaming - Developers may incorporate multiple senses, such as touch and balance, into gaming experiences for a more immersive and potentially therapeutic experience.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Hardware - Gaming hardware manufacturers may begin producing more motion-based controllers that incorporate the use of feet for a more engaging and intuitive gaming experience.
2. Wearable Technology - Wearable technology companies may begin producing products that help users track their balance and movement, potentially opening up new sectors for therapy and gaming.
3. Health and Wellness - Physical therapy and wellness centers could begin incorporating gaming technology with balance boards and other motion-based devices to help patients recover and maintain their physical health.

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