Sporting Debate Platforms

Debateball Turns the 2016 Presidential Election into a Baseball Game

Understanding and keeping up-to-date with the 2016 presidential elections is a priority for many consumers, however understanding all the politics and logistics behind them can be an unfamiliar area to explore. The Dabateball app offers a user friendly approach by turning the debates into a gamified virtual round of baseball. The platform cleverly combines two popular American pass times into one.

The Debateball app allows consumers to set up and play virtual rounds of baseball using candidate figures as the all-star players. Each player can be placed accordingly into different positions and used as a roster to play against other app users. The app includes figures such as Chris Christie, Donald Trump and Jeb Bush that are presented as bobblehead players suited up for the game.
Trend Themes
1. Gamified Politics - The gamification of politics creates a unique opportunity for businesses to design apps that engage users in a fun and entertaining way while educating them on important political issues.
2. Celebrity Politics - Using celebrity figures as game characters presents a disruptive innovation opportunity in industries such as gaming, social media, and entertainment.
3. Interactive Virtual Reality - Integrating virtual reality technology in political debate platforms creates an immersive and dynamic experience for users, offering a potential disruptive innovation opportunity for both the political and tech industries.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - The use of gamification in politics presents an opportunity for the gaming industry to expand into political education and engagement.
2. Social Media - Gaming platforms that include celebrity figures as game characters presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for businesses in the social media industry.
3. Entertainment - The integration of celebrity figures in gamified politics creates a unique opportunity for businesses in the entertainment industry to engage audiences in a new way.

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