Gamified Math Apps

The 1+Math App Gamifies Learning to Improve School Test Scores

After finding that only 26 percent of high school seniors are able to test at grade level in math, 1+Math was developed as a platform to increase youth success in school and beyond. Math is one of the most dreaded subjects for many, although it supplies kids with valuable skills for later in life.

In order to make the process of learning math more enjoyable, 1+Math is gamified to make studying fun.

In an effort to make learning math easy and accessible across the United States, 1+Math promises to give away the $60 subscription to the service for free to students who come from low-income families. Following a successful Kickstarter campaign, this platform is set to reach many kids between grade four to 12.
Trend Themes
1. Gamification in Education - The trend of gamifying learning experiences has disrupted traditional methods of education and provides an opportunity to engage students with content in a fun and innovative way.
2. Personalized Learning - By providing personalized learning experiences, students can learn at their own pace, increasing retention and understanding, and emphasizing the importance of quality, not quantity.
3. Edtech - The rise of educational technology has paved the way for innovative learning platforms and experiences, creating opportunities for digital entrepreneurs and software developers.
Industry Implications
1. Education - The gamification of education and personalized learning has the potential to improve student engagement, information retention and build knowledge at a deeper level.
2. Technology - The ever-growing market of educational technology creates opportunities and demand for software and hardware development, and with the current shift towards remote learning, there are many opportunities for disruptive innovation.
3. Social Impact - Gamified learning has the potential to improve educational outcomes for low-income families and address systemic gaps in access to education.

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