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Mainstream Lifestyle Apparel Brands
Mainstream Lifestyle Apparel Brands
Independent T-Shirt Start-Ups Rapidly Turn Into Mega Brands
The Busted Knuckle Garage. Balmy Palms.  Life is Good.  Johnny Cupcakes. What do all these brands have in common? They all started as bootstrap lifestyle brands, with a few logo t-shirts created by innovative… MORE
Digital Celebrity Connections
Digital Celebrity Connections
'Fanbase Mobile' App Lets You Engage With Your Fav Singers
With the help of singer Rob Thomas, Atlantic Records recently launched Fanbase Mobile, a novel way for music enthusiasts to connect with their favorite artists. The new mobile phone app extends the reach… MORE
Haunted Online Advergames
Haunted Online Advergames
Frito-Lay Uses 'Hotel 626' Interactive Game to Promote Doritos
Frito-Lay’s innovative Hotel 626 is a spooky online video game designed to scare the chips out of you. As a participant, or “guest” at the hotel, you awaken to scary noises in... MORE
Interactive Digital Billboards
Interactive Digital Billboards
Toshiba Electronic Signage Controlled by Cell Phones
Toshiba recently rolled out an electronic billboard featuring games that passing pedestrians can play using their cell phones. Computer users are also invited to participate via YouTube. Displayed in… MORE
Sink-Toilet Combinations
Sink-Toilet Combinations
Roca's Award-Winning W+W Bathroom Fixture
Roca’s innovative, ultra-modern toilet and sink combination, called W+W (for washbasin + watercloset), recently won the ISH 09 Design Plus Award in Frankfurt. This unique, space-saving bathroom fixture… MORE
Teen Targeted Tech
Teen Targeted Tech
The Colorful LG Lollipop Phones Display LED Animations
LG introduced a colorful new line of cell phones in Korea dubbed “Lollipops,” targeting 17 – 23 year-old users. One of the unique features of these clamshell phones is that they have 220 LED lights on… MORE
Windows That Watch You
Windows That Watch You
Surveillance Glass Detects Suspicious Movement
Worried about burglars breaking in through your windows? Soon your windows will be able to “watch” for suspicious movement outside your home, and trigger an alarm if they sense a potential intruder. The… MORE
5-Wheeled Cars
5-Wheeled Cars
Pop-Out Car Wheel Makes Parallel Parking a Breeze
The major automakers are introducing all sorts of high-tech gadgetry to assist drivers with parallel parking, such as rear cameras, backup beepers and guiding sensors. Yet sometimes, the simplest and… MORE
Garbage Powered Trucks
Garbage Powered Trucks
World's First Garbage Truck Fueled by Its Own Trash
In an effort to reduce its carbon footprint, a green-conscious UK borough has begun using the world’s first electric garbage truck fueled by the very garbage it collects. Kirklees Council in Yorkshire… MORE
Biometric Suitcases – Heys BioCase Luggage Unlocks With the Scan of Your Fingerprint
Biometric Suitcases – Heys BioCase Luggage Unlocks With the Scan of Your Fingerprint
Heys BioCase Luggage Unlocks With the Scan of Your Fingerprint
Luxury luggage maker Heys USA is gearing up to introduce the first biometric suitcase, aptly named the BioCase. There are no keys needed to unlock this case, only the owner’s fingers. The built-in biometric… MORE
Brainy Beauty Pageants
Brainy Beauty Pageants
Nuclear Energy Hotties Enter Russia's "Miss Atom" Contest
Who is the hottest woman working in the Russian nuclear industry? According to voters, it’s 25-year-old Yekaterina Bulgakova, who recently won first place in the 2009 Miss Atom beauty contest. The online… MORE
Water-Repelling Swimsuits
Water-Repelling Swimsuits
Sun Dry Swim Bathing Suits Ward Off Wetness
It sounds like an oxymoron: “water-repellent swimsuit.” But it’s for real. The new swimwear line from Sun Dry Swim actually repels water, thanks to its proprietary nanotechnology-enhanced active wear fabric.… MORE
Disco Shower Doors
Disco Shower Doors
Color-Changing LED Cromobox Bathroom Fixtures by Antonio Lupi
These innovative Cromobox LED shower doors are the latest offering from Antonio Lupi of Italy. Vibrant colors illuminate the mosaic pattern on the doors for a unique and mood-altering chromotherapy shower… MORE
Bug Zappers for Ghosts
Bug Zappers for Ghosts
Scare Away Spirits with Trisaksri Ghost Repellent
Is your home haunted by evil spirits?  The folks at the Supa Boondee shop in Bangkok, Thailand, claim their new Trisaksri Ghost Repellent will rid your home of these unwanted ghouls. So, what exactly… MORE
Germ-Free PC Peripherals
Germ-Free PC Peripherals
Vioguard to Offer Self-Sanitizing Keyboards for Germophobes
Computer keyboards can be a breeding ground for germs, especially in professional settings when they are shared by co-workers.  Think about it--people cough and sneeze into their hands, then touch the… MORE
Training Wheel-Free Training
Training Wheel-Free Training
Toddler 'Toot Scoot' Makes Learning to Ride a Bike Easy
The Toot Scoot, a new training bike for kids aged 2-5, has no training wheels and no pedals. It also has wider-than-normal wheels, but aside from that, it looks like a normal bike. It is designed to easily… MORE
Mystical Career Counseling
Mystical Career Counseling
The Jobless BeginTurning to Psychics for Economic Guidance
With the U.S. economy in the tank and unemployment rates soaring, more and more people are turning away from their usual advisers (bankers, accountants, career counselors, etc.) and instead seeking guidance… MORE
Hair Extensions for Babies
Hair Extensions for Babies
BabyBangs Give Instant Hair to Bald Baby Girls
Any parent with a baby daughter whose hair is slow-growing or non-existent has undoubtedly encountered a stranger who says, “What’s his name?” or “What a cute little guy!” BabyBangs were designed with… MORE
Female Loincloths
Female Loincloths
Underwear Tarzan Would be Envious Of Is Hot In Japan
All the rage in Japan are several hot-selling lines of women’s loincloth underwear, or “pendre shorts.” These undies are a modern take on the traditional white loincloths worn by Japanese men in the old… MORE
Mini McMansion Mailboxes
Mini McMansion Mailboxes
Personalized Mailboxes Look Just Like Your Home
There is no mistaking which mailbox is yours with these customized creations--they are built to be an exact replica of your home (albeit on a smaller scale). Designed from photos, each mailbox is handmade… MORE
Arm-Wrestling Equalizers
Arm-Wrestling Equalizers
‘The Enforcer' Machine Prevents WCA Competitors From Cheating
The latest innovation in reality sports is World Championship Armwrestling (WCA). Utilizing a unique machine called “The Enforcer,” this new approach to armwrestling prevents cheating and levels the playing… MORE
Recycled Jeans As Furniture
Recycled Jeans As Furniture
Japanese Sofa Maker Turns Old Denim Pants Into Stools
Now your old jeans can be comfortable,even when you’re not wearing them. That’s right - you can sit on them, after they’ve been turned into a cushy denim stool by Japanese sofa maker NOyes. To take advantage… MORE
Teacup Pig Pets
Teacup Pig Pets
Pint-Sized Royal Dandies Capture Hearts of Animal Lovers
New breeds of pint-sized pigs are in demand as the latest trendy pet. These endearing creatures are specially bred for cuddling and indoor living--they are small enough to keep in a house or apartment.… MORE
Manure Furnaces
Manure Furnaces
Combustion Heater Turns Cow Dung Into Energy
This innovative and environmentally-friendly furnace burns on “Mother Nature’s battery,” i.e. biowaste such as cow manure and other farm animal droppings. It turns this waste into energy that can be used… MORE
Dogs as Houseguests
Dogs as Houseguests
Certified Host Homes Let Rover Stay Over While You're On Vacation
No longer does dog-boarding need to mean cages of cold concrete. Pet lovers who detest kennels or don’t want to entrust their house keys to a pet sitter now have an alternative: Rover can be treated to… MORE