Become a Donor
lourdes sanchez bayas — April 7, 2008 — Fashion
References: & adsoftheworld
This is a campaign from Chile designed to encourage organ and blood donation by young people. The photos show us a bunch of young, tragically cool people getting in line to do their duty. The message, off course, is that it is, like, totally cool to become donors and by performing this selfless act you get to give life and even the chance to recycle yourself! Hey, if it works, why not.
Implications - Businesses that actively promote the well-being and health of society will benefit by creating a strong image among their competitors. Individuals will recognize this company as trust-worthy, compassionate and willing to foster a wholesome society.
Implications - Businesses that actively promote the well-being and health of society will benefit by creating a strong image among their competitors. Individuals will recognize this company as trust-worthy, compassionate and willing to foster a wholesome society.
Trend Themes
1. Youth Donations - Opportunity for businesses to tap into the millennial market and encourage organ and blood donation among young people.
2. Tragically Cool Campaigns - Innovative marketing strategies can use unconventional and edgy approaches to promote social causes.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility - Embracing social responsibility initiatives can enhance a company's brand image and reputation within the market.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Disruptive innovation opportunities lie in creating digital platforms and technology solutions to streamline the process of organ and blood donation.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Businesses in this industry can develop creative campaigns that appeal to the youth demographic, focusing on promoting social causes and inspiring action.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility Consulting - Opportunities exist for consulting firms specializing in corporate social responsibility to help businesses align their initiatives with social causes and enhance their brand image.