From Canine Wigs to Cotton Candy Coiffures
Marissa Brassfield — October 11, 2009 — Fashion
The Afro hairstyle as we know it was popularized in the 1960s and 1970s; the modern Afro hairstyles shown below take this instantly-recognizable style to new heights. The Afro isn't just for women and men of African descent anymore, though—below, you'll see pets, Caucasian models and even chairs rocking fierce 'fros. Check out the slideshow below to see these and more avant-garde, modern Afro hairstyles.
Implications - White youth consumers are fascinated with appropriating the visual elements of other cultures and making them their own. This consumer group borrows from various global cultures and incorporates styles as its own. Companies should consider under-represented global cultures and their aesthetic elements that can be incorporated into certain products.
Implications - White youth consumers are fascinated with appropriating the visual elements of other cultures and making them their own. This consumer group borrows from various global cultures and incorporates styles as its own. Companies should consider under-represented global cultures and their aesthetic elements that can be incorporated into certain products.