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42 McDonald's Marketing Campaigns

From Reflective Billboards to Super-Speedy Service

— April 5, 2013 — Marketing
The fast food giant with the golden arches has evolved quite a lot over the years and a key indication of this can be found in McDonald's marketing campaigns.

Largely known for its fast food, McDonald's has also tried repositioning itself to offer healthier food options. Just by searching through all of its different initiatives, you may find some familiar food options that did not last long on the menu. Does anyone remember the bagel burgers? While McDonald's does try new things, it always stays true to its roots and offers classics like the Big Mac and notoriously delicious fries.

McDonald's marketing campaigns have contained celebrity-performed jingles, politically charged print ads and interactive fast food challenges. They have tackled a variety of different mediums and continue to evolve with the most effective ones.
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Rival-Ribbing Adverts
Rival-Ribbing Adverts
McDonald's 'Package' Cleverly Pokes Fun at the Competition
Fast Food Literacy Campaigns
Fast Food Literacy Campaigns
McDonald's Book Giveaway Encourages Children to Read
Hamburger Travel Charts
Hamburger Travel Charts
McDonald's Timetable in Warsaw Station Tells Time With Fast Food
Lackadaisical Lunch Commercials
Lackadaisical Lunch Commercials
The McDonald's Snack Wrap Commercial Urge Customers to be Creative
Fast Food Forgiveness Commercials
Fast Food Forgiveness Commercials
McDonald's Saver Menu is Hard to Argue With
Fry Bait Commercials
Fry Bait Commercials
The McDonald's 'Best Fries on the Planet' Ad Has People Jumping into Water
Food Chain Transparency Ads
Food Chain Transparency Ads
This McDonald's Canada Commercial Explains Its New Question Campaign
Mix-and-Match Marketing (UPDATE)
Mix-and-Match Marketing (UPDATE)
The McDonald's ‘Come As You Are' Diversity Proj
Pond Diving Food Ads
Pond Diving Food Ads
The Leo Burnett 'Best Fries on the Planet' Campaign is Hilarious
Upfront Fast Food Responses
Upfront Fast Food Responses
The McDonalds Canada Photoshoot Clip Goes Behind-the-Scenes
Fantasy Zoo Foodvertising
Fantasy Zoo Foodvertising
McDonald's Suzi Van Zoom is a Story of a Girl Who Loves Happy Meals
Meat Tracker Apps
Meat Tracker Apps
This New Mcdonald's App Allows Users to See Where the Food Comes From
French-Cultured Fast Food
French-Cultured Fast Food
The McBaguette is Set To Hit McDonald's Shelves Throughout France
Fast Food Television
Fast Food Television
McDonald's McTV Set to Launch in California Restaurants
Fast Food Entitlement Ads
Fast Food Entitlement Ads
This McDonald's Commercial Focuses on the Everyday Grind
Macho Meat Campaigns
Macho Meat Campaigns
McDonald's 'Manly Man Beef' Ads in China Portray Men's Characteristics
Coined Golden Arches
Coined Golden Arches
McDonald's Dollar Drink Days Ice Sculpture Holds 4,000 Canadian Dollar Coins
Heat-Sparking Sandwich Ads
Heat-Sparking Sandwich Ads
This Spicy Thai McBistro Ad from McDonalds is Made for Online Only
Intimate Coffee Commercials
Intimate Coffee Commercials
McDonald's Full Bean Coffee Suits Any Occassion
Dizzying Breakfast Food Ads
Dizzying Breakfast Food Ads
This McDonalds Breakfast Print Ad Stops the Confusion of Breakfast
French Maid Food Services
French Maid Food Services
A Taiwanese McDonald's Attracts Customers with Scandalous Ensembles
Crowdsourced Fast Food Films
Crowdsourced Fast Food Films
McDonald's McBites Contest Encourages People to Create Mini Films
Endearing Fast Food Ads
Endearing Fast Food Ads
The Mcdonald's Apple Tree Ad Uses Animation to Draw You in
Supersized Perspective Ads
Supersized Perspective Ads
The McDonald's Large Coffee Ad is One of Epic Proportions
Burger-Shaped Pet Bowl Ads
Burger-Shaped Pet Bowl Ads
The McDonald's Filet-O-Fish Campaign Features Very Fresh Food
Mischievous Munchies Illustrations
Mischievous Munchies Illustrations
The Happy Meal by Nicolas Lesaffre is Fun and Adventurous
Late Night Reflective Billboards
Late Night Reflective Billboards
Cossette Creates a Creative Advertising Ploy for McDonald's
Incredible Fast Food Beacons
Incredible Fast Food Beacons
McDonald's Fry Lights Make a Statement About the World's Best Fries
Cardboard Robot Food Ads
Cardboard Robot Food Ads
The McDonald's Happy Meal Robot Ad Displays Children's Love for Boxes
Modernized Fast Food Patio Furniture
Modernized Fast Food Patio Furniture
The Come Collection by Patrick Norguet Modernizes McDonald's
Fast Food Rehab Commercials
Fast Food Rehab Commercials
The McDonald's 'A to Z Campaign' Does Damage Control
Breakfast-Inspired Hamburgers
Breakfast-Inspired Hamburgers
McDonald's Bagel Burgers Make a Limited Time Entrance in France
Utterly Unusual Ads
Utterly Unusual Ads
These McDonald's Double Flavor Milkshake Print Ads are a Squirt of Fun
Caffeinated Venn Diagram Ads
Caffeinated Venn Diagram Ads
The McDonald's McCafe Campaign is Visually Minimalist
Groomed Fast Food Ads
Groomed Fast Food Ads
The McDonald's McCafe a.M. p.M. Campaign
Futuristic Fast Food Shops
Futuristic Fast Food Shops
The McDonald's by Patrick Norguet is a Contemporary Take on a Classic
Fresh Fast Food Ads
Fresh Fast Food Ads
The McDonald's Australia 2012 Campaign Plays 'Spot the Difference'
Iconic Fast Food Ads
Iconic Fast Food Ads
DDB Bacon Cheeseburger Ad for McDonald's is Simple and Direct
Fast Food Interior Overhauls (UPDATE)
Fast Food Interior Overhauls (UPDATE)
McDonald's Family-Focused Design Launches in the UK
Cracking Restaurant Campaigns
Cracking Restaurant Campaigns
The McDonald's Fresh Eggs Daily Billboard is a Top-Notch Stunt
Contemporary Fast Food Interiors
Contemporary Fast Food Interiors
Patrick Norguet Redesigns McDonald's Restaurants in France