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 Keynote Speaker

Zach Bussey

Social Media Passionisto
Member Since
Aug 2010
I'm Zach, a self described social media passionisto (and yes I made that word up). I've been active in social media for several years, and in the past two have turned my love for sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube and blogging into my business. I thrive on communication.

I have a saying... Social Media is three things. First, it's Social meaning you have to interact, communicate, discuss, argue, debate and talk with people all the time. Second, it's ME meaning there has to be someone behind it. Whenever I interact, people will know it's a person behind the interaction. Lastly, it's DIA, which I say is Do It Awesome - there's no shortcuts. You do it right, or you shouldn't waste your time.

I've joined the Trend Hunter team to bring my passion to the table. Let's interact! Trends... it's all about being social!
Commercial Spacecations
Commercial Spacecations
Virgin's Space Tourism Craft Completes Journey
Richard Branson's SpaceShipTwo (aka VSS Enterprise) completed the first ever manned free flight of space for what will be Earth's first space tourism provider. The flight test focus was to test if pilots… MORE
Controversial Cartoon Makeovers
Controversial Cartoon Makeovers
Banksy Directs Simpsons Opening Credits
In case you missed it, The Simpsons got a controversial cartoon makeover by England's most famous and elusive street artist Banksy for Sunday night's episode. Portraying slave labor, animal abuse and… MORE
Superfast Phone Processors
Superfast Phone Processors
The Marvell Triple Core Processor Puts Pep in Your Mobile's Step
The Armada 628 triple core processor released by Marvell is a huge step in the mobile smartphone industry. Offering speeds that put current phones in the molasses category, this zippy processor boasts… MORE
Complaining Acoustics
Complaining Acoustics
This 'United Breaks Guitars' Video Will Guarantee a Few Laughs
The featured 'United Breaks Guitars' video proves that customer complaints are a part of business that must be dealt with immediately. Bad reviews travel faster than positive ones, so in many cases, a… MORE
Search Engine Ad Revivals
Search Engine Ad Revivals
Google Focuses on New Banner Ads with ‘Watch This Space'
It’s impossible to surf the net these days without banner ads displaying prominently on nearly every page you visit. For long, these banner ads have been simple images or sometimes basic flash animations… MORE
Tasteless Tourism
Tasteless Tourism
Death Guarantees Dollars for These Controversial Attractions
Tasteless tourism to some of humanities greatest tragedies is becoming an increasingly popular business. Places such as the nuclear disaster Chernobyl, Devil’s Island, The World Trade Center and the… MORE
Social Network Currencies
Social Network Currencies
Empire Avenue Tells You What You're Worth
Empire Avenue not only puts a valuation on your social media activity, it also allows friends to buy into you. It works like the stock market - the more involved you are in social networks such as Twitter,… MORE
Super Grip Eyewear
Super Grip Eyewear
Parasite Glasses Turn Heads When Attached to Yours
Parasite glasses are unlike anything you're typically going to see on someone's face. These viral specs offer a more unique design and better features than standard glasses. Traditional glasses take up… MORE