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AI & THE SUPER FUTURE - KEYNOTE (2,000,000 Views)
10 years ago, I helped IBM launch Watson AI, I wrote about it in my book Better and Faster, and I was so enamored that we set our strategic north star to be all about AI. A few years later, we launched TrendHunter.AI and started incorporating AI throughout our platform. Over the greater part of the last decade we have been delivering AI workshops, AI advisory services and 10,000 trend reports based on our own AI platform.

For a long time, AI was a bit -- dare I say -- nerdy. Nerdy and ambiguous. But now, with ChatGPT, our quest towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has become more tangible, the world has become enlightened and THINGS ARE DIFFERENT..

Accordingly, we've decided to theme our entire Future Festival World Summit around AI, and how it will impact every possible trend category. Our theme is now officially: THE YEAR AI CHANGED YOUR LIFE, JOB & POTENTIAL. You're gonna love it (and hate it at the same time).

Here's the 2018 version of my keynote on AI and the Super Future.... It had about 2,000,000 views, and is still relevant today if you are wanting to better understand AI and it's potential.... But just WAIT till you see what's cooking for September!

Each of our core topics will feature the typical insights and opportunities, but refreshed with the AI impact and potential. Get ready to embrace something WILDLY NEW and different. Join us for the 3-Day World Summit OR the 5-Day FuturistU Masterclass:

Jeremy Gutsche
CEO, Author & Keynote Speaker - JeremyGutsche.com
SCHEDULE A CALL (HERE) - We would love to see if we can accelerate your team innovation workshops, tactics, tools and custom research. Let's chat!
Consumer Insights
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Learn Why Starbucks, Netflix, Samsung, NASA, Lego & Google rely on Trend Hunter AI + Future Festival... 97% rate it the "best innovation conference" Become a futurist, taking your skills to the next level with our immersive FuturistU program. This program works through the full cycle of innovation, working through dozens of our best innovation workshops, best practices and tactics.
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