Cyber Hearts
Cecilia Biemann — September 19, 2008 — Unique
References: thisislondon
London surgeons have unveiled the world’s first ‘cyber’ heart, which they believe will revolutionize cardiac care.
The 3D computer model is so realistic that it has a heartbeat and it can even be operated on. It is expected to improve the accuracy of cardiac operations and help to speed up surgery times.
To date, trainee surgeons have trained using text books, video clips and heart scanning--all labor-intensive methods which can carry great risks for patients.
With this new technology, doctors can slice through the model displayed on a computer screen to view the internal structures of the heart, as well as its blood flow. The valve and vessel have been reproduced, and blocked arteries and other conditions can also be created.
The virtual heart took two years to develop, with assistance from a team of digital animators who normally work on television commercials and films.
Experts describe this technology as the biggest step forward since Leonardo da Vinci transformed understanding of the heart over 500 years ago.
The 3D computer model is so realistic that it has a heartbeat and it can even be operated on. It is expected to improve the accuracy of cardiac operations and help to speed up surgery times.
To date, trainee surgeons have trained using text books, video clips and heart scanning--all labor-intensive methods which can carry great risks for patients.
With this new technology, doctors can slice through the model displayed on a computer screen to view the internal structures of the heart, as well as its blood flow. The valve and vessel have been reproduced, and blocked arteries and other conditions can also be created.
The virtual heart took two years to develop, with assistance from a team of digital animators who normally work on television commercials and films.
Experts describe this technology as the biggest step forward since Leonardo da Vinci transformed understanding of the heart over 500 years ago.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Surgery - Medical professionals can now use 3D computer models to perform operations digitally- ensuring less risk and quicker surgery times.
2. 3D Modeling for Medical Training - With realistic 3D computer models of the heart now available to trainee surgeons, they can learn and familiarize themselves with heart structures and blood flows in a more interactive and engaging way.
3. Cyber Anatomy - The creation of cyber hearts paves the way for further advancements in 3D computer modeling of other vital organs, leading to increased safety and precision in healthcare.
Industry Implications
1. Medical Technology - The development and use of 3D digital anatomy to radically transform and improve medical procedures and training presents an opportunity for companies in the medical technology sector.
2. Animation and Entertainment - The creative talent of animators can be utilized to assist in developing realistic and interactive 3D computer models for medical and educational purposes, potentially opening new markets for the animation and entertainment industry.
3. Medical Education - The introduction of more interactive and engaging methods of training for medical professionals presents an opportunity for the development of medical education programs and services.