'Who Is Out There' Peephole Enhances Home Security for Kids
Matt Ho — October 23, 2011 — Art & Design
References: yankodesign & technabob
The problem with having kids answer doors is that the peephole is too high, which means they don't know who they're opening the door to, and the 'Who Is Out There' Peephole by Hyun-june Yang aims to make a difference when it comes to this crucial bit of home safety.
The Who Is Out There Peephole is a genius design that every home can benefit from if there are children under the roof. The idea is to offer a second viewing display at the bottom of the original one so that the little ones can see who's on the other side. In other words, the design utilizes the principles of a periscope often used in a submarine, only this time, it's for the home. The lower peephole functions as a one-way mirror that makes this concept possible.
This is still a concept, but hopefully it'll make its way towards families soon.
The Who Is Out There Peephole is a genius design that every home can benefit from if there are children under the roof. The idea is to offer a second viewing display at the bottom of the original one so that the little ones can see who's on the other side. In other words, the design utilizes the principles of a periscope often used in a submarine, only this time, it's for the home. The lower peephole functions as a one-way mirror that makes this concept possible.
This is still a concept, but hopefully it'll make its way towards families soon.
Trend Themes
1. Child Safety - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new technologies or products that enhance child safety, such as wearable devices or smart home security systems.
2. Home Security - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative solutions for home security, such as advanced surveillance cameras, smart locks, or AI-powered intrusion detection systems.
3. Smart Home - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design integrated smart home systems that prioritize safety and convenience for families, incorporating features like door displays, voice recognition, and remote monitoring.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop and improve technologies that enhance home security and child safety.
2. Consumer Electronics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create new consumer electronic products tailored for child safety and home security, such as child-friendly surveillance cameras or improved peephole displays.
3. Home Improvement - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovate within the home improvement industry by providing new safety features, such as customizable smart lock systems or child-proof door designs.