Wesley Saint Clair Speaks on The Youth Justice System
Ellen Smith — July 28, 2020 — Keynote Trends
References: tedxseattle
The United States represents 5% of the world's population, yet incarcerates 25% of the world's incarcerated population, and after spending 40 years working in the criminal justice system, Wesley Saint Clair can say with confidence that this system isn't benefiting the American people.
In a talk titled 'The Case for Restorative Justice in American Courts,' Saint Clair took the stage to promote programs which should be prioritized in youth criminal proceedings, as the current model has had a devastating impact on communities of color in particular. Instead, Saint Clair makes a case for restorative programs, which utilizes evidence-based support systems to build a community around all impacted by the crime, including the perpetuator and the victim. According to Saint Clair, in 80% of these cases, the perpetrator never re-commits a crime again.
Saint Clair ends the talk by emphasizing that "this is the most helpful criminal justice reform I have ever seen," noting that America already has the ability to execute these programs, they simply need to step forward.
In a talk titled 'The Case for Restorative Justice in American Courts,' Saint Clair took the stage to promote programs which should be prioritized in youth criminal proceedings, as the current model has had a devastating impact on communities of color in particular. Instead, Saint Clair makes a case for restorative programs, which utilizes evidence-based support systems to build a community around all impacted by the crime, including the perpetuator and the victim. According to Saint Clair, in 80% of these cases, the perpetrator never re-commits a crime again.
Saint Clair ends the talk by emphasizing that "this is the most helpful criminal justice reform I have ever seen," noting that America already has the ability to execute these programs, they simply need to step forward.
Trend Themes
1. Restorative Justice Programs - There is an opportunity for businesses to invest in or collaborate with existing restorative justice programs, which can benefit both society and reduce the costs associated with traditional incarceration approaches.
2. Evidence-based Support Systems - Developing evidence-based support systems can help improve the current youth criminal proceedings model and provide a potential avenue for disruption in the criminal justice system.
3. Community-centered Criminal Justice - By involving the community in criminal justice proceedings through restorative programs, there is potential for businesses and organizations to create new solutions that prioritize human-centered outcomes over punishment-focused ones.
Industry Implications
1. Criminal Justice System - There is an opportunity for companies and organizations to disrupt and innovate the current criminal justice system by investing in restorative justice programs and creating support systems to reduce re-offending rates and foster healthier communities.
2. Mental Health and Counseling Services - Businesses can create or support mental health and counseling services to help rehabilitate youth offenders in restorative justice programs, ultimately leading to better outcomes and healthier communities.
3. Community-led Initiatives - Developing community-led initiatives that prioritize human-centered outcomes and restorative justice in youth criminal proceedings presents an opportunity for businesses, nonprofits, and individuals to collaborate and create meaningful change in their local communities.