Virgin to Build World's First Airport for Spaceships
Virgin Galactic is planning on building the world's first spaceport in New Mexico. Virgin has been waiting a long time to do this, but finally a winning design has been chosen. The construction of the spaceport is planned to start in 2008, This gigantic spaceport will be made in a 100,000 square-foot facility. The total cost is expected a $31 million. Gizmodo notes, "The SpaceShipTwo and its carrier craft, White Knight Two, will be completed in 2008 as well, so the company is well on its way to offering cheap cheaper space flights."
Start saving your space miles so you can visit when the facility opens!
Start saving your space miles so you can visit when the facility opens!
Trend Themes
1. Space Tourism - The building of the world's first spaceport by Virgin Galactic offers opportunities for more affordable spaceflights and space tourism.
2. New Mexico as a Hub for Space Innovation - The construction of the spaceport in New Mexico positions the state as a hub for space innovation and could potentially attract other space-related companies and industries.
3. Vertical Expansion of Aviation Industry - The rise of spaceports and space tourism necessitates vertical expansion in the aviation industry, which opens up new opportunities for disruptive innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Aviation Industry - The construction of spaceports and the rise of space tourism presents a new market for the aviation industry to develop affordable space transportation.
2. Aerospace Industry - The development of spaceports and the advent of space tourism presents opportunities for the aerospace industry to pursue new technological developments that support space exploration.
3. Tourism Industry - The development of spaceports and the possibility of space tourism presents opportunities for the tourism industry to collaborate with the aviation and aerospace industries in offering unique and high-end travel experiences.