Typography App Paletto Lets You Keep an Artistic Journal On Your Phone
Alyson Wyers — July 29, 2016 — Tech
References: palettoapp & betalist
This typography app lets you experiment with fonts for diaries, journals and notes. Based in Korea, the Paletto app allows you to write about your day in a variety of colors and fonts so you can better express how you felt. The artistic diary app encourages users to pick a different background for every day of the week, creating a colorful palette (which is where the typography app gets its name from). Every Paletto Kit offers eight differently colored backgrounds and a wide range of typographies to choose from, with more Kits to come in the future.
This mobile app indicates a consumer desire to record their experiences, but in a digital form. The Seoul-based startup is currently looking for beta testers.
This mobile app indicates a consumer desire to record their experiences, but in a digital form. The Seoul-based startup is currently looking for beta testers.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Journaling - This trend reflects the growing consumer preference for recording personal experiences in a digital format.
2. Typography Experimentation - The trend of experimenting with fonts in diary apps offers opportunities for developers to create innovative customization features.
3. Colorful Expression - The trend of using a variety of colors in diary apps allows users to express their emotions and creativity in a visually appealing way.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - The mobile app development industry can capitalize on the trend of digital journaling by creating user-friendly and feature-rich diary apps.
2. Graphic Design - The graphic design industry can explore the trend of typography experimentation in diary apps by designing innovative font options and layouts.
3. Stationery and Paper Products - The stationery and paper products industry can provide complementary products such as notebooks and journals that incorporate elements of colorful expression from diary apps.