The Toothpict App Helps a Friend Locate Leftover Leaves
Amelia Roblin — July 13, 2011 — Tech
No matter how comfortable you are with someone, it can be awkward to inform them of a post-supper stowaway still wedged between his pearly whites, which is why the Toothpict app is particularly useful.
Picture a dinner party, and your unfortunate friend is sporting some bits of herb between his front two teeth, but it would only embarrass him to point it out aloud. The solution comes in the form of a discrete technological solution. Download this iPhone application, complete the cartoon diagram which highlights the location of the speck, and send it to your pal through SMS or email. On the other hand, if announcing the presence of a piece of lettuce between somebody's teeth isn't quite public enough, you can use the Toothpict app to post the picture on Twitter.
Picture a dinner party, and your unfortunate friend is sporting some bits of herb between his front two teeth, but it would only embarrass him to point it out aloud. The solution comes in the form of a discrete technological solution. Download this iPhone application, complete the cartoon diagram which highlights the location of the speck, and send it to your pal through SMS or email. On the other hand, if announcing the presence of a piece of lettuce between somebody's teeth isn't quite public enough, you can use the Toothpict app to post the picture on Twitter.
Trend Themes
1. Discreet Dental Assistance - Toothpict app opens up opportunities for discreet yet hygienic dental care through mobile technology.
2. Social Media Dental Hygiene - Toothpict app features an opportunity for posting dental hygiene pictures on social media.
3. DIY Dental Monitoring - Toothpict app creates opportunities for users to monitor and maintain their dental hygiene by themselves.
Industry Implications
1. Dental Care - Toothpict app offers new possibilities for the dental care industry to expand its services to mobile technology and self-monitoring.
2. Mobile Applications - Toothpict app presents an opportunity for innovation in mobile application development, specifically in the area of health care.
3. Social Media - Toothpict app taps into the opportunities for social media platforms to be utilized for dental health purposes.