Artist Paints Himself In Protest Against Diesel
Rich — August 18, 2007 — Art & Design
References: adverblog
Is this what happens when an artist runs out of paper, or is it just a neat way to draw attention to yourself? Artist Phil Hansen has filmed himself as he paints a series of scenes on his upper body in an apparent protest against Fuel For Life. According to Adverblog that the video is part of an online campaign by Diesel for the launch of their new fragrance. A equally unconventional second protest video in which each day a guy adds a new t-shirt to the ever growing number he is already wearing. The first video is embedded here, but the second one can be seen here.
Trend Themes
1. Online Campaign Protests - Creating unique and provocative content for online campaigns to incite engagement from the public in surprising and unconventional ways.
2. Body Art Activism - Using the human body as the canvas for social and political messages to showcase the limitations of traditional mediums of the expression of ideas.
3. Multi-faceted Protest Methods - Demonstrating the versatility of protesting tactics and utilizing alternative means to express opinions and raise awareness in innovative ways.
Industry Implications
1. Cosmetics and Fragrances - Challenging traditional forms of advertising for cosmetics and fragrances by incorporating provocative and interactive digital campaigns to entice and engage consumers.
2. Art and Design - Encouraging artists and designers to explore beyond traditional creative mediums to maximize their impact, reach and influence in society.
3. Activism and Social Advocacy - Enabling new and unconventional methods for activists and social advocates to spark dialogue and action amongst the public through thought-provoking and creative forms of expression and protest.