'The Walk' is Described as a 500 Mile Thriller Doubling as a Workout
Jana Pijak — February 23, 2021 — Tech
References: thewalkgame & apps.apple
'The Walk' is an interactive mobile game that is described as a "500 mile thriller where every step counts." The game is available for both Android and iOS systems and was created with the NHS and Department of Health.
Inspired by traditional step counter devices, this mobile game takes traditional walks to new heights with an immersive and action-packed storyline. It is also designed to incentivize participants to get more steps in by bringing them closer to unlocking unique rewards the more time they spend walking.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are reprioritizing staying active but sticking to healthy fitness goals can be a challenge with gym closures an more time spent indoors -- especially for households with children. The Walk aims to change that by encouraging individuals and families to get outside and get active with the help of an adventurous storyline.
Inspired by traditional step counter devices, this mobile game takes traditional walks to new heights with an immersive and action-packed storyline. It is also designed to incentivize participants to get more steps in by bringing them closer to unlocking unique rewards the more time they spend walking.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are reprioritizing staying active but sticking to healthy fitness goals can be a challenge with gym closures an more time spent indoors -- especially for households with children. The Walk aims to change that by encouraging individuals and families to get outside and get active with the help of an adventurous storyline.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Walking Games - Incorporating storylines and rewards into mobile walking games can incentivize individuals to stay active and promote a healthy lifestyle.
2. Gamified Exercise - Gamifying exercise can provide an engaging and entertaining way for individuals to meet their fitness goals.
3. Outdoor Fitness - With the increase in time spent indoors due to the pandemic, there is a growing demand for outdoor fitness options that can provide both exercise and entertainment.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Tech - Fitness tech companies can explore incorporating gamification into their existing products to make exercise more engaging.
2. Gaming - Gaming companies can leverage the growing interest in gamified exercise by creating mobile walking games and incorporating unique rewards for users.
3. Healthcare - Healthcare companies can provide patients and consumers with tools like 'The Walk' to help incentivize physical activity and promote healthy lifestyles.