The Sokudo is Ash Thorp's Conceptual Transforming E-Bike for Tesla
Elena Rahman — September 13, 2021 — Autos
References: altcinc & yankodesign
The Sokudo is a concept Tesla-themed E-bike. Designed by Ash Thorp in collaboration with Carlos "colorsponge," this E-bike marks the designer's 14th project in the ongoing M.H.C. Collection by the duo.
The E-bike's components are mated to a compact USD fork and single swing arm, a custom-made extruded chassis, which includes a battery pack, and an electric motor. The arm matches the form and frame of the bike to create a flowing design throughout. The Sokudo is held up with large carbon fiber wheels, which include Tesla-themed disc covers. For a smooth ride, the suspension and control arm moves independently. Its futuristic concept boasts a flexible outer shell that folds to different shapes according to the riding position and road conditions.
Image Credit: Ash Thorp
The E-bike's components are mated to a compact USD fork and single swing arm, a custom-made extruded chassis, which includes a battery pack, and an electric motor. The arm matches the form and frame of the bike to create a flowing design throughout. The Sokudo is held up with large carbon fiber wheels, which include Tesla-themed disc covers. For a smooth ride, the suspension and control arm moves independently. Its futuristic concept boasts a flexible outer shell that folds to different shapes according to the riding position and road conditions.
Image Credit: Ash Thorp
Trend Themes
1. Shape-shifting E-bikes - Opportunity for innovation in designing e-bikes with a flexible outer shell that can adapt to different riding positions and road conditions.
2. Customizable E-bike Components - Opportunity for innovation in creating modular, customizable e-bike components that can be easily assembled into unique designs.
3. Electric Bikes with Advanced Suspension Systems - Opportunity for innovation in developing advanced suspension systems for electric bikes to provide an even smoother ride.
Industry Implications
1. Electric Bike Manufacturing - Manufacturers can explore opportunities to incorporate shape-shifting and customizable components into their electric bike models.
2. Automotive Design - Automotive designers can explore opportunities to incorporate electric bike design elements into their products.
3. Sporting Goods Retail - Retailers can explore opportunities to offer electric bikes with advanced suspension systems as a premium product in their stores.