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Supremely Stretchy Braided Belts

Clean the Sky - Positive Eco Trends & Breakthroughs

Arcade's 'Vapor' Belts Offer Four-Way Stretch & Customizable Fit

— July 8, 2022 — World
The future of belts has well and truly arrived with the advent of Arcade's 'Vapor,' a wonderfully stretchy belt that offers phenomenal freedom of movement and a customizable fit whilst also putting forward consummate style points whether you're in the mountains, the pub or the grocery store.

This unisex belt has a braided design that eschews the outdated pin-and-hole mechanism, which has seen generations of belt-wearers having to poke their own rudimentary holes in order to achieve a perfect fit for their waist size. Instead, this belt has an infinitely adjustable design that revolves around a micro-adjust buckle that is so easy to use that you can adjust your belt in your sleep, as all you have to do is pull on the slack end of the belt in order to tighten or loosen the belt to your needs.

As far as flexibility is concerned, this belt certainly delivers thanks to the use of a multi-directional weave that offers four-way stretch, so you can ensure that you won't feel any unsavory sensations or be hindered whether you're jogging up a demanding hill, portaging a canoe or retrieving a pint from the ski resort bar. The four-way stretch manages to achieve a sensational balance between staying snug enough to keep you comfortable whilst also allowing you to move freely, with the stretchiness occurring everywhere around your waist without changing the fit by even a millimeter. Elsewhere, Arcade's 'Vapor' belt also offers thoughtful design features such as flattened webbing that helps to mitigate bulk, a feature that may not matter when you're merely rocking a t-shirt and shorts for a patio stint, but one that makes a world of difference when you're throwing on several layers and painstakingly making your way up a mountain on an epic hike.

This magnificently stretchy belt also happens to be devoid of metal, with the plastic buckle designed to be durable over a long period of time but also offering the wonderful convenience of not setting off metal detectors in the airport, meaning you can breathe easy when going through the security lines to catch your next flight. Whether you're navigating the rapid slopes of the Swiss Alps or the slow-moving lines of airport security, this metal-free belt will have you covered. These belts are also totally machine-washable, so once you get back to your hostel dorm, Airbnb or your actual home after an exhausting and epic hike, you need have no qualms about simply yanking off your shorts or pants and throwing them into the machine with the belt still on.

Image Credit: Arcade
Trend Themes
1. Flexible Clothing Accessories - Adoption of stretchable and easy-to-adjust accessories, such as belts, can enhance the comfort and functionality in the fashion space.
2. Unisex Design Aesthetics - The emergence of gender-neutral designs in clothing and accessories offers new possibilities for brands to target broader audiences.
3. Metal-free Travel Essentials - Innovations in travel-friendly clothing and accessories that avoid metal components can improve the overall airport experience for frequent travelers.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion & Apparel - Incorporating innovative materials and designs focusing on comfort and customization can offer new opportunities for growth in the fashion industry.
2. Outdoor & Sports Gear - Outdoor and sports brands can expand their offering with wearable gear that focuses on flexibility and performance improvement during sports activities.
3. Travel & Tourism - Investment in innovative travel accessories, prioritizing convenience and hassle-free experiences, can create new markets in the travel and tourism sector.