It's hard to get a substantial amount of juice from a case-mounted solar panel. Sewing a photovoltaic panel into your jean jacket will only get you so far. And while portable devices do generally use very little power, no portable solar panel has yet been able to charge a laptop computer.
But that's about to change. Eclipse Solar Gear has created a hard laptop case that can actually charge a laptop! That is, if you've got full sun and a relatively small laptop computer.
But that's about to change. Eclipse Solar Gear has created a hard laptop case that can actually charge a laptop! That is, if you've got full sun and a relatively small laptop computer.
Trend Themes
1. Portable Solar-powered Charging - The trend of creating more efficient, powerful portable solar panels for charging devices on the go, like laptops and phones.
2. Embedded Solar Technology - The trend of incorporating solar panels directly into products, such as laptop cases and backpacks, to allow for convenient, on-the-go charging.
3. High-powered Portable Devices - The trend of creating more power-efficient portable devices that can last longer and be charged with solar panels.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - As demand for portable solar charging solutions increases, consumer electronics companies can capitalize on producing solar-powered chargers, cases, and devices.
2. Outdoor Gear - The incorporation of embedded solar technology into products like backpacks and tents offers disruptive innovation opportunities in outdoor gear for extended usability and convenience.
3. Renewable Energy - As solar technology advances and becomes more powerful, the renewable energy industry can leverage the trend to create more reliable, efficient solar solutions for a range of applications.