One Milllion Blog — September 11, 2006 — Special
References: slashfood
When you have the feeling that your food isn't anymore like it was, have a look at Slashfood and you will get your hunger back. Slashfood features the latest trends in food, so make sure to check it out.
Implications - Sites like this are an important resource for companies who operate in the food industry. Whether used to scope out the latest achievements of their competitors, or to inspire ideas for their own future development, sites like this afford businesses with a fantastic amount of information to make use of. Nearly every major industry has specialized sites like this, so this useful strategy is certainly not limited to those in the food industry.
Implications - Sites like this are an important resource for companies who operate in the food industry. Whether used to scope out the latest achievements of their competitors, or to inspire ideas for their own future development, sites like this afford businesses with a fantastic amount of information to make use of. Nearly every major industry has specialized sites like this, so this useful strategy is certainly not limited to those in the food industry.
Trend Themes
1. Food Industry Trends - Monitor Slashfood and other food-centric websites to keep up with the latest food industry trends which can inspire innovation opportunities for companies.
2. Digital Food Media - Slashfood and websites like it represent an opportunity for companies to leverage digital food media to gain insight on the latest advancements in the food industry.
3. Food Blogging Trends - Keep up-to-date with food blogging trends as they can serve as valuable sources of innovative ideas leading to new opportunities in the food industry.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage Industry - Food and Beverage companies should keep tabs on food media websites to stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and insights
2. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising companies working with food industry clients can benefit from understanding popular online food trends.
3. Technology and Gadgets - Technology and gadgets companies in the food industry can use food media websites to gain inspiration on ways to innovate their products.