Kyla Gutsche — December 30, 2005 — Tech
References: brp
As every winter sport aficionado knows, snowmobiles fall into two groups: those that can haul ass and those that can turn. The Ski-Doo MXZ has a ski in both camps. The high-powered Rotax engine, a unique twist on two-cylinder stability, gives it all the oomph you need to make it up the steepest slope, while the innovative dual-ridged front skis and an enhanced suspension system smooth the ride--even around those hair-pin bends!
MX Z 550 X
Such Advanced Engineering, It Feels Like Cheating.
With a bit of forward thinking, our engineers redefined cross-country riding and gave the pros a machine that takes the prize time and time again. And it has. Together the REV chassis and the Rotax High Output (H.O.) engines have distanced the MX Z from the rest of pack. Now, the REV-optimized and snocross-proven SC-4 suspension further improves performance and handling through the corners and during acceleration. Add a set of new Pilot skis up front and this expert bump sled brings championship performance from the track to wherever you roam.
Trend Themes
1. High-powered Snowmobiles - The advancement in Rotax engines opens up opportunities for snowmobiles with increased power and performance, revolutionizing the snowmobiling industry.
2. Enhanced Suspension Systems - The development of innovative suspension systems allows for smoother rides and improved handling, creating possibilities for safer and more enjoyable snowmobile experiences.
3. Dual-ridged Front Skis - The introduction of dual-ridged front skis brings about enhanced stability and maneuverability, paving the way for better control and agility in snowmobiles.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Recreation - The outdoor recreation industry can benefit from the advancement of high-powered snowmobiles, enhanced suspension systems, and dual-ridged front skis by offering customers exciting and safer snowmobiling experiences.
2. Automotive - The automotive industry can explore disruptive innovation opportunities through collaborating with snowmobile manufacturers to integrate advanced engine technologies, suspension systems, and ski designs into their vehicles, enhancing overall performance and handling.
3. Winter Sports - The winter sports industry can leverage high-powered snowmobiles, enhanced suspension systems, and dual-ridged front skis to provide athletes and enthusiasts with cutting-edge equipment for faster speeds, improved agility, and thrilling experiences on the slopes.