Jeremy Gutsche — June 7, 2006 — Unique
"I would be more excited to do chores if I had more remote control cleaning toys." Have you ever asked yourself that? Probably not, but if you have, you'll love the new Remote Control Boat / Pool Skimmer avaliable for $140 from Solutions.com. The device is part pool skimmer, part kick ass toy.
Implications - When it comes to the home, consumers are always looking for ways to make taking care of it easy. The development of electronics has made this possible with automated response and settings that make daily chores manageable. The production of high-tech household items should not be ignored in favor of computers and MP3s because there's a large market for those who have very little time to take care of the home.
Implications - When it comes to the home, consumers are always looking for ways to make taking care of it easy. The development of electronics has made this possible with automated response and settings that make daily chores manageable. The production of high-tech household items should not be ignored in favor of computers and MP3s because there's a large market for those who have very little time to take care of the home.
Trend Themes
1. Remote Control Cleaning Devices - The trend of remote control cleaning devices offers opportunities for high-tech household items targeting consumers who have very little time to take care of their homes.
2. Automated Response Household Items - The trend of automated response household items provides an opportunity to make daily chores manageable for consumers.
3. High-tech Pool Accessories - The trend of high-tech pool accessories, such as the remote control boat/pool skimmer, presents opportunities for companies to offer innovative products that combine functionality and entertainment.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The consumer electronics industry can develop and market remote control cleaning devices, automated response household items, and high-tech pool accessories to meet consumers' demand for easy and efficient ways to take care of their homes.
2. Smart Home Technology - The smart home technology industry can capitalize on the trend of remote control cleaning devices and automated response household items by integrating these products into their existing technology systems, making daily chores easier for consumers.
3. Pool and Spa Industry - The pool and spa industry can expand their product offerings beyond traditional maintenance tools by creating high-tech pool accessories like the remote control boat/pool skimmer, appealing to consumers who want innovative products that offer both functionality and entertainment.