This Quadruped Robot Boasts Incredibly Nimble Balance
Rahul Kalvapalle — April 20, 2023 — Tech
References: & techcrunch
A group of engineers at the Robotics Institute over at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a high-tech quadruped robot that has demonstrated the ability to walk along a balance beam.
This impressive quadruped robot has demonstrated the ability to walk across a three-meter beam that's only 6 cm wide whilst also being able to guard off attempts at being kicked over. The robot also showed the ability to land safely on the beam when dropped upside down.
Although there are other quadruped robots out there that have demonstrated the ability to move across varied terrain, balance isn't typically a strength of these devices. This new quadruped robot could change that, with its impressive balancing abilities making them useful for sensitive environments such as search-and-rescue and surveillance due to their unique mobility.
Image Credit: Carnegie Mellon University
This impressive quadruped robot has demonstrated the ability to walk across a three-meter beam that's only 6 cm wide whilst also being able to guard off attempts at being kicked over. The robot also showed the ability to land safely on the beam when dropped upside down.
Although there are other quadruped robots out there that have demonstrated the ability to move across varied terrain, balance isn't typically a strength of these devices. This new quadruped robot could change that, with its impressive balancing abilities making them useful for sensitive environments such as search-and-rescue and surveillance due to their unique mobility.
Image Credit: Carnegie Mellon University
Trend Themes
1. Balancing Quadruped Robots - New quadruped robots are being developed that have advanced balancing abilities which could prove useful in search-and-rescue and surveillance operations.
2. Enhanced Robotics Mobility - The development of robots with advanced mobility features, such as balancing, opens up opportunities for use in previously inaccessible environments.
3. Safely Maneuvering in Varied Terrain - Robots that can safely balance and walk on narrow beams could have implications in industries like construction and maintenance where the terrain is unstable.
Industry Implications
1. Search-and-rescue Robotics - These balancing quadruped robots have the potential to aid in search-and-rescue missions where mobility on uneven terrain is crucial.
2. Surveillance Robotics - The advanced balancing abilities of these robots make them useful for surveillance in challenging environments where traditional cameras cannot reach.
3. Construction and Maintenance - The ability of these robots to safely maneuver in varied terrain could revolutionize the construction and maintenance industry and reduce the need for human labor in dangerous tasks.