Niantic Prepares to Launch its Peridot Game on May 9th
The new Peridot Game by Niantic, which is also the mind behind Pokemon Go, sets the official release date of its game for May 9th. The studio first unveiled a look at the upcoming game last Spring and it invites plays to breed and care for virtual pets dubbed 'Dots.'
Each Dot will have a unique look due to a system that allows the Dots to inherit a blend of genes from their parents. Currently, pre-registrations for the Peridot game are available on the App Store and Google Play Store. Notably, those that pre-register and play the game within the first two weeks of its launch will also receive a special party hat accessory for their Dots.
Image Credit: Niantic
Each Dot will have a unique look due to a system that allows the Dots to inherit a blend of genes from their parents. Currently, pre-registrations for the Peridot game are available on the App Store and Google Play Store. Notably, those that pre-register and play the game within the first two weeks of its launch will also receive a special party hat accessory for their Dots.
Image Credit: Niantic
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Pet Gaming - Opportunities for innovative customization and unique features for virtual pet games geared towards adults.
2. Gene Inheritance System - Incorporating elements of genetics and inheritance into other gaming or educational apps for a unique user experience.
3. Pre-registrations Bonuses - Offering incentives for pre-registration and early adoption to increase user engagement and retention.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Virtual pet games with unique features have a high potential for success in the gaming industry.
2. Education - Incorporating elements of genetics and inheritance can be used in educational apps to make learning more interactive and exciting.
3. Marketing - Incentivizing pre-registration and early adoption can be a useful marketing tool in various industries such as social media or e-commerce.