Paris Hilton Going To Jail?
Juan Carlos Bonilla — March 30, 2007 — World
References: eluniversal.mx
Los Angeles authorities asked for the conditional freedom of the millionaire after driving imprudently to be revoked; she might be in prison up to 90 days The decision takes place when an investigation culminates on if Hilton violated the terms of her conditional freedom the past month by driving with a suspended license " We trust that we have sufficient evidence to prove that her license was suspended and that she was informed of this suspension ", said Nick Velazques, a spokesman of the office of the attorney of the county of Los Angeles, denying to detail the evidence due to the fact that the investigation is in course
In January, Hilton did not refute charges of driving imprudently under the effects of alcohol, derivatives of her arrest on September 7 in Hollywood. It was sentenced to 36 months of conditional freedom, an educational program on the dangers of the alcohol and forced to pay $1,500 dollars.
Hilton was arrested in Sunset Boulevard on February 28. The police said that they saw her blue Continental Bentley GTC going to high speed with the lights switched off. She was torced to pay because of driving with a suspended license. The spokesman of Hilton Elliot Mintz said that she did not know then that her license was suspended. On Thursday she denied to make comments about it.
In January, Hilton did not refute charges of driving imprudently under the effects of alcohol, derivatives of her arrest on September 7 in Hollywood. It was sentenced to 36 months of conditional freedom, an educational program on the dangers of the alcohol and forced to pay $1,500 dollars.
Hilton was arrested in Sunset Boulevard on February 28. The police said that they saw her blue Continental Bentley GTC going to high speed with the lights switched off. She was torced to pay because of driving with a suspended license. The spokesman of Hilton Elliot Mintz said that she did not know then that her license was suspended. On Thursday she denied to make comments about it.
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity Accountability - There is a demand for holding public figures accountable for their actions and behavior, creating opportunities for businesses focused on transparency and ethical practices.
2. Rehabilitation Programs - As more celebrities are being forced into rehabilitation programs, there is an opportunity for innovation in the development of more effective and tailored programs.
3. Public Relations Crisis Management - As more celebrity scandals are exposed in the media, there is a rising demand for crisis management services to help public figures save their reputations.
Industry Implications
1. Rehabilitation Centers - Rehabilitation centers can capitalize on the opportunity to develop more effective and tailored programs to meet the needs of celebrities and other high-profile individuals.
2. Legal Services - Legal services specializing in crisis management and public relations can help public figures navigate scandals and protect their reputations.
3. Media and Entertainment - The media and entertainment industry can incorporate accountability and transparency as core values to help mitigate scandals and retain public trust.