Paper Cutting Art by Hua Tunan Puts a Modern Twist on Traditional Art
Simal Yilmaz — March 11, 2013 — Art & Design
References: edge.neocha & visualnews
This paper cutting art by Hua Tunan is a contemporary interpretation of the traditional Chinese art form that is also known as Jianzhi. The art form is generally used as home decorations to use for windows, doors, lamps and other large surfaces to symbolize fortune and luck in households. The illustrations are traditionally of images such as zodiac characters, flowers and animals.
Tutan put his own creative twist to this traditional art form and designed paper cutting art of caricaturized war characters, emperors, peace signs and snakes that are visually crude and violent.
Mixing up an old art form with contemporary ideas, Tunan's artwork serves to be both intriguing and eye-catching. This artwork is a great demonstration of modern day art pieces incorporating old school and traditional influences.
Tutan put his own creative twist to this traditional art form and designed paper cutting art of caricaturized war characters, emperors, peace signs and snakes that are visually crude and violent.
Mixing up an old art form with contemporary ideas, Tunan's artwork serves to be both intriguing and eye-catching. This artwork is a great demonstration of modern day art pieces incorporating old school and traditional influences.
Trend Themes
1. Contemporary Interpretation of Traditional Art - Exploring new ways to reinterpret traditional art forms can lead to innovative and captivating creations.
2. Mixing Old and New Influences - Blending traditional and modern elements can result in unique and thought-provoking artwork.
3. Caricaturized War Characters - Using exaggerated and satirical representations in art can bring attention to social and political issues.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art industry can embrace and promote contemporary interpretations of traditional art forms.
2. Home Decor - Incorporating traditional Chinese art forms with a modern twist can create appealing and unique home decor products.
3. Social Commentary - Artwork featuring caricaturized war characters can spark conversations about societal issues and promote activism.