Dubai Recently Launched an Official Cryptocurrency Called emCash
Alyson Wyers — October 29, 2017 — Business
References: & businessinsider
Dubai launched their blockchain-based official cryptocurrency last month, making it the first state-run cryptocurrency in the world. The city's local government partnered with United Kingdom-based Object Tech Group Ltd and Dubai Economy subsidiary Emcredit Limited to create emCash, an encrypted digital currency to support contactless payments. These partnerships are part of Dubai's Accelerators Initiative and now the Dubai Economy Accelerators program.
emCash could be used in financial transactions for both government and non-government services. This could be anything from your morning coffee to your kid's school fees to utility bills. The official cryptocurrency has several benefits according to the economy department's Deputy Director General Ali Ibrahim, including "faster processing, improved delivery time, less complexity and cost, to name a few."
emCash could be used in financial transactions for both government and non-government services. This could be anything from your morning coffee to your kid's school fees to utility bills. The official cryptocurrency has several benefits according to the economy department's Deputy Director General Ali Ibrahim, including "faster processing, improved delivery time, less complexity and cost, to name a few."
Trend Themes
1. State-run Digital Currencies - The launch of Dubai's official cryptocurrency emCash demonstrates the potential for state-run digital currencies to disrupt traditional payment systems.
2. Blockchain-based Payments - The partnership between Dubai's local government, Object Tech Group Ltd, and Emcredit Limited highlights the disruptive innovation opportunity for blockchain-based contactless payments.
3. Accelerators for Economic Development - Dubai's Accelerators Initiative and the Dubai Economy Accelerators program showcase the potential to use technology partnerships for economic growth and innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Financial Technology (fintech) - The implementation of state-run digital currencies like emCash has the potential to revolutionize the FinTech industry and reshape how payments are made.
2. Government Services - The use of official cryptocurrencies for government transactions opens up disruptive innovation opportunities to streamline and improve various government services.
3. Blockchain Technology - The collaboration between Dubai's local government and Object Tech Group Ltd in creating emCash highlights the potential for disruptive innovation in the blockchain technology industry.